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Pastor Brad Eckerley has been married to his wife, Natasha, for over 30 years.  Together they have raised 3 boys, one of whom brought a daughter, Alyssa, into their family by marriage.


When the church was planted in March 2020, Pastor Brad worked full-time in management up until the end of September 2021.  He then took a part-time role as an academic advisor with Grace Theological Seminary at Winona Lake as he transitioned into full-time ministry beginning in July 2022.  


He has been greatly impacted by Henry Blackaby's Experiencing God.  He tries to absorb anything associated with the ministry of 9Marks.  He values Biblical counseling.  He appreciates the Puritans.  And he believes the Bible is sufficient in providing all that we need to know while allowing God to be God in the things we do not yet understand. 

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Pastor Brad has a ThM (Master of Theology) from Southern Seminary (with a focus on expository preaching), an MDiv (Master of Divinity) from Asbury Theological Seminary, and an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology from Purdue University.  He has 15 years of pastoring experience, 15 years of industrial experience, and 35 years of farming experience helping on his Dad's farm.  He enjoys gardening, smoking dinner, making homemade ice cream, reading, being with his family, and talking with anyone in need of help and wanting to grow regardless of where they may be.  He coaches and mentors other church planters within Send Network.  And he is a regional coordinator with 6:4 Fellowship.

Natasha was a stay-at-home mother until their youngest son was old enough to go to school.  She was a public school teacher with Peru Community Schools for 15 years up through May 2022, most of those years with the high ability students in sixth grade.  You will often find Natasha filling in the gaps and doing anything that needs to be done with the church.  She engages.  She teaches.  She counsels.  She is willing to be used in any sermon illustration as long as it helps the cause.  Her transition out of teaching into a role as quote clerk with Ford Meter Box has given her more time to be involved with ministry.  She is very invested, and she loves her church family very well.  She is a tremendous help to her husband and to her church.

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